Are you feeling Christmas anxiety or guilt because you have presents to buy, arrangements to organise and then…extended family or friends to catch up with? Do you have that nagging little voice in the back of your head enhancing the anxiety and guilt because, yet again, you need to make nice to all these people that remind you of the failure to achieve all the things you said last Christmas that you would do before Christmas this year?

Maybe you said you would lose that weight, start that side hustle, join that course or have saved up the money to go on that life-long adventure but you aren’t even close. Perhaps you got busy, perhaps you got scared. Maybe, and it happens to the best of us, self-doubt and procrastination took over. This has you dreading having to sit with these people knowing that they are judging you …once again.

How to overcome Christmas anxiety

anxiety at Christmas time

1: Own Your Goal:

Write down the number one goal you want to achieve before Christmas this year. It’s totally possible to still reach it, all is not lost. Write it EVERYWHERE. Write it on your bathroom mirror, write it daily in your diary create a reminder that pops up several times a day. “ I will __(you finish this sentence with your goal)”

2: Ask this question DAILY:

Your next step is to daily (yep ask yourself “What is one thing I can do today that will get me close to achieving ____ (you finish this sentence with your goal)”.
You only need to do one thing daily towards your dream and goal to be in a completely different place by the end of the year.

3: Practice Visualising You Achieving Your Goal

This is your number one mind hack. When we think like we have achieved our goal, our brain starts looking for situations, conditions and people to help us make it happen. Allow yourself 5-10 minutes a day to use your imagination as your biggest ally and bestie as you start creating the dreams and goals you have. When we focus on Christmas anxiety, we attract more anxiety.

4: Get yourself a partner in believing

Now you and I both know that some days we totally nail life. We easily get all the things done, we step up and take action. However there are days when self-doubt creeps in, our excuses take over and we get in our own way. These are the days you want to have a partner in believing, a person to hold you accountable in doing what you said you would. This could be a friend, your partner or even a mentor. But what I know to be true after working with hundreds of women is …it’s so much harder to achieve big dreams and goals alone.

Imagine…finally knowing how to create the dream life you always wanted but never thought you could

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Hey, I’m Ang! Leading DreamBuilder coach, business success mentor, international best selling author The Messy Mum’s Playbook, mum and the founder of the Firefly Academy and Firefly DreamBuilder.

Plus I am blessed to stand alongside women helping them move from chaos to calm to achieve their goals & dreams.