Every day we see signs, street signs, shop signs if you’re one of those clever mums you pick up on the language and physical signs of your kids, best before signs, signs telling you were to go and not. However, have you missed these signs from the universe today?

universe signs

I’m just going to put it out there I love a good sign as a busy momma working and doing all the things in a day to keep everyone happy and on track signs help me feel supported. Or dare I even say it “in control”.

Like the stop sign helping me not crash, or the out of date sign on my food keeping me from gifting my family food poisoning or even the signs at the grocery store letting me know which aisle to find the teriyaki marinade my friend Lucy recommended to me. Signs are awesome, they keep us safe, they guide us and there are signs from the universe given to you every single day to guide you, keep you safe and help you feel “in control” But most of us miss them.

Before you keep reading I’m not talking about repetitive numbers, or feathers or spirit animals although I love a good feather sign. No, I’m talking about every day, every hour signs from the universe that you probably miss or don’t understand. Signs that the universe is sending you so you feel greater ease, love and happiness throughout your day activating the Law Of Attraction and all your dreams.

10 signs from the universe you may have missed today

✨ Slow cars, slow walking people, slow internet connection, slow loading websites when all you want to do is get a move on – Your sign from the Universe slow down, the gift time to daydream, take time to catch your breath, time for your energy to settle so you don’t feel so stressed and overwhelmed.

✨ That headache that you woke up with that you can feel throughout every bone in your head, yet you push through it- Your sign from the Universe – give yourself some self-care, perhaps a slower day, OR a day off – the gift the perfect excuse to not push and hustle so hard today

✨ Sad songs or sad movies that had you snotting and crying through your last Klennex – Your sign from the Universe – the opportunity to release some pent-up emotions – the gift release

✨ The vibrant bloom of flowers or the colours in the environment – Your sign from the universe a reminder that beauty and growth is everywhere, including you – the gift a reminder of who you really are…beautiful as you are

✨ Each sunrise and sunset gifted to you everyday – Your sign from the universe the opportunity to reset for the brand new day – the gift, possibilities for what lays ahead

✨ A child asking for a cuddle, and animal coming for a pat, even a smile from a stranger – Your sign from the universe you are love and loved – the gift to show you and others love because at the end of the day that is what helps us attract our desires

✨ The blasting of your favourite singer or song from a radio – Your sign from the universe, you are in alignment with your true purpose – the gift that “phew I’m on the right track” feeling

✨ When you see babies, baby animals, brand new romances – Your sign from the universe that new exciting beginnings are on their way to you – the gift knowing

✨ Rainy days – Your sign from the universe that mother nature is keeping everything balanced, washing away any negative or stale energy – the gift, everything is in perfect harmony

✨ The tug at your heart of a dream or a goal that you would love to create as your reality – Your sign from the universe that you were meant for more – the gift the universe giving you a kick of motivation to make it happen

Would you love to unlock the secret to using The Law Of Attraction?

Law of attraction

If you’re looking to activate the Law Of Attraction and manifest your desires into reality, use my Visualisation Toolkit. With this kit discover a fail-proof way of using the power of visualisation to amp up your manifestation powers.– Confident and Clear on every.single.step. even when your kids are screaming for their dinner.

Hey, I’m Ang! Leading success mindset coach, business mentor, international best selling author The Messy Mum’s Playbook , mum and the founder of the Firefly Academy and Firefly DreamBuilder Business Success Coaching.

Plus I am blessed to stand alongside women helping them move from chaos to calm to achieve their goals & dreams.