That dream you have for a better home, a more connected relationship, a business that lights up your heart or finally breaking free of a mould that you never quite fit into can be daunting and terrifying. 

However if the last year has highlighted anything it’s that nothing around us stays the same and that the one constant we have is our dreams. Your dreams whisper in your ear at night and tug at your heart yearning to be createdHow to turn your 2021 dreams into reality. 

I remember when I first started dreaming of starting my business, I had no idea how to be seen amongst the noise. I remember having wild ideas about writing and creating a book that made a difference, yet was totally scared no one would buy it. 


Every crazy dream I have had from starting a membership and wondering whether it would take off, to wondering if leaving a job that paid well was the right idea for my family have scared the pants off of me.


I’m proud to say that I have built each dream, but each has been a journey filled with its ups and downs. I have had to dig deep and totally believe that everything will work out. I have had to look people in the eye and say things like “everything is doing amazing” when inside the truth was that it looked like my dreams were those of a deranged mad woman.  

I can recall the fear of failure every time I invested in myself or my business and all the thoughts of “why” did I do this, “why” is this not going to plan. The sleepless nights, the days when giving up seemed like the best option. 

But I had to decide. 

There comes a moment where you either decide that “no matter” what YOU WILL manifest and create your dreams and that “no matter” what your current reality looks like YOUR SUCCESS is inevitable. 

.Every crazy dream I have had from starting a membership and wondering whether it would take off, to wondering if leaving a job that paid well was the right idea for my family have scared the pants off of me.

How to Make your 2021 Dreams a Reality


Dreams into reality

1. Know what you want 

I realise that this may seem obvious, however so many people don’t know what they really want. In fact most people really only have an idea of what they think they “should” want based on what they see around them. 

Grab a pen and paper, take yourself off to a cozy spot and free write starting with;

Wouldn’t it be awesome if I had/achieved/created ……in my career/health/relationships/money/time.


2. Decide 

Get honest with yourself. Ask yourself “am I going to continue to simply dream and do nothing about it, or am I going to go for it?” 

If your body feels heavy at the idea of not taking a step in the direction of your dream then you have your answer take the leap. Once I decided to go all in and turn up daily towards achieving my goals everything began to change. The changes can only start when you decide. 


3. Ignore the voice of fear 

You must ignore that pesky voice who will try to convince you you’re too old, not smart enough, you will be judged and laughed at, that you will fail. You must ignore her – she doesn’t get to decide your reality, YOU DO!

It doesn’t matter where you come from, what you look like, how old you are or what your past looks like – your dreams matter and MUST become your reality. You must ignore the voice of fear.


4. Create a plan

Now that you know what you want and you’ve hit mute on your fears, the next step is to come up with a plan. A roadmap that will see you achieve your dreams

Write out the big goal and then pull it apart. 

If we were to use my book as an example, once I got over my fears that I’m not great at writing and that if I was going to write something that made a difference I had to be vulnerable, (eeek the fear of judgment was heavy) I made a plan. 

Here was my plan. Write daily until I felt like I had something to share. Find an editor, find a publisher. I had no idea where I was going to find these people, but it was the beginning of a plan taking me from feeling overwhelmed and stuck to getting started. The Universe delivered me the next step. However here is the piece you need to hear;

Your next step will only be shown to you when you make strides forward not before.

Dreams to reality in 2021


5. Start and get help

That’s where most of us get stuck. We get so overwhelmed with not knowing what to do that we don’t get started. Nothing can be created if it’s not first started. You can dream up anything but it’s the action that makes it real. Now you have your plan start. Commit to your dreams creation and get help. 

Help is what matters the most. Without help I’m sure I would not have persevered through the ups and downs. But what I do know to be true is that I’m so glad I kept taking action with help and faith that my wildest dreams are available to me and they are to you too.  

Get clarity in your 2021 dreams, decide that you will make them your reality, make a plan and start – Your success is inevitable.

Hey Sister, Do you ever have those days or weeks when everything feels like an uphill battle?


Your energy feels heavy or perhaps your to-do list feels like an impossible task that is leaving you spinning. I’ve got you!

Grab my free ” Creating Ease” mediation designed to help you clear your energy and relax your entire nervous system so that you feel calm, energised so that all the magic to deserve starts flowing to you.

Grab my FREE Creating Ease meditation to today and become part of the Firefly Tribe ;-)


Hey, I’m Ang! Leading DreamBuilder coach, Business success mentor, and International best-selling author of The Messy Mum’s Playbook.  My mission is to help women who feel stuck or frustrated get everything they want in life, love, and business in the fastest and easiest way possible