My business killed my sex life. Somewhere on the journey of being a mumpreneur, I forgot to have fun. I forgot that building a business doesn’t need to take up every waking moment in between running a household, chasing after kids and/or holding down a job. And this energy of trying to be everything to everyone all of the time and hustling in my business killed my sex life.
Business gets to be fun and you get to have fun outside of it too!

Here is the truth about being a mumpreneur. The kids still need you to be mum, the house still needs attention (unless you have a cleaner – which if you can afford it I’d absolutely get yourself one) and when you forget to take time out for fun, rest and you-time your inner mean girl/ that voice of self-doubt will take over – and it’s her who kills your sex life, by association.
Your inner mean girl and her harsh words will infiltrate all parts of your life if you let her. And when you are starting or running your own business you are in the perfect position for her to wield her words.
Think about it, you’re working all the hours and you’re navigating one challenge after another … probably doing it without help you start to feel overwhelmed and tired. This is when she reins. She starts by highlighting your flaws in business and then slowly chips away at the other parts of your life – always making a desert of your self-esteem. So let’s find you space for fun.
How to inject more fun in your day and improve your sex life
.Start the day with something that’s just for you
Somewhere some smart cookie once said ‘start the day the way you wish it to end”, and they were right. From experience, I know that some of the toughest days are when I haven’t started the day by doing something that’s just for me. Instead, I’ve dived into social media or worse emails. Instead start the day with a walk, or some yoga/stretching, journaling, a long warm shower with some music, meditation. Start the day with something that you really love doing that lifts your energy.
Don’t check emails before lunch.
I know I touched on it above however, we must remember that emails are someone else’s agenda. They are someone else getting you off track and into helping them. If you start your day in battles mode man-o-man you are going to be tired by the end of the day. Don’t check your email until you have ticked off what’s important in your day first.
Ask for help
So many of us mumpreneurs don’t ask for or seek help because we either don’t want to burden others or because somewhere deep in the back of our minds we don’t believe we deserve to invest in ourselves. Now before you cast that idea aside, take a moment and really feel. Do you believe you’re worth investing whatever it takes to have you seeing the results you desire? I mean really?
I’m putting my hand up and admitting that there was a time I didn’t openly invest in my business in a significant way because I felt I was taking funds away from my family. But here is the kicker by not getting the help I required I took something much more valuable away. Me and quality time with me.
If you see parts of you in this story, know you’re not alone. Go back and rearrange your life to have both elements of fun and seriousness and…Girlfriend your libido will fire back up and the rest, as they say, is history.
Hey Sister, Do you ever have those days or weeks when everything feels like an uphill battle?
Your energy feels heavy or perhaps your to-do list feels like an impossible task that is leaving you spinning. I’ve got you!
Grab my free ” Creating Ease” mediation designed to help you clear your energy and relax your entire nervous system so that you feel calm, energised so that all the magic to deserve starts flowing to you.
Grab my FREE Creating Ease meditation to today and become part of the Firefly Tribe ;-)
Hey, I’m Ang! Leading DreamBuilder coach, Business success mentor, and International best-selling author of The Messy Mum’s Playbook. My mission is to help women who feel stuck or frustrated get everything they want in life, love, and business in the fastest and easiest way possible
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