Angela Bullock Certified Mindset Business Coach

Hey there, girlfriend!

I’m Angela, here to help you move from chaos to calm, confident and wealthy to realise your family/life goals and business dreams… YOU deserve to UNLOCK the flow of wealth, abundance and happiness that’s waiting for you to claim!

Couple of fun facts… I wrote the #1 bestselling The Messy Mum’s Playbook, I help busy mums transform and manifest their desires and achieve their goals through DreamBuilder success & mindset coaching.

I am a lover of all things chocolate (stuff it with gooey caramel and I’m in heaven), enjoy hanging out in my activewear, cuddling my fur babies & singing out of tune to LOUD music and …

I am your secret weapon to creating the life you (and your family) love and want.

You and me, we are one and the same.

We experienced some mega hurdles & pain in our pasts.

We’ve had moments that made us feel like we aren’t worthy enough, smart enough, or deserving enough to have big dreams and goals.

We’ve felt the fear of being judged and been on the edge of giving up.

How do you create a life you love?

I do this by giving you the life mastery tools, systems and easy to use strategies that fast track your freedom, wealth and happiness leaving you with a SUCCESSFUL, BALANCED life, and HAPPY connected family.

Are you READY to RISE UP and live as the unstoppable woman who LOVES HER LIFE?

My Story

We’ve all got one! And mine – just like yours will – made me the strong, loving, happy, and successful mum I am today.
Angela Bullock Lifestyle and Mindset Coaching - My Story

My 3rd child arrived 12 months after my 2nd child (who is a child with special needs).

I was suffering from depression, anxiety, and I was caught in a tornado of negative thoughts and feelings.

I stuffed it down and just got on with it (unhappy and resentful as I was).

Angela Bullock Lifestyle and Mindset Coaching - My Story

THEN, I discovered my husband’s affair.

This is when everything changed.

I saw different specialists and tried liquorice, all sorts of medication and herbs.

Angela Bullock Lifestyle and Mindset Coaching - My Story

These helped. 

But nothing compared to the life-changing, powerful Life Mastery tools and Kick-Arse strategies that I learnt (from some of the world’s most renowned mentors and coaches) and implemented into my life.

It took strength, courage, and a whole lot of tissues, but man-o-man I am so chuffed I took that leap of faith.

Angela Bullock Lifestyle and Mindset Coaching - My Story

Now what?

Here springs my passion for helping women create the life they love. 

Meaning more confidence, more money, more love, more clients, more opportunities, more free time!

Want to get more from your life?

The Firefly Academy Testimonials

‘I never realised that with a mentor like Angela, I could create change AND have fun along the way, I cannot put into words the value I received from this program and the gift that Angela has in re-programming the mind whilst helping me become fearless in the pursuit of my dreams- Thank You Angela x’

Kelly, QLD

‘Since being in the Firefly program I have learnt so much about myself and I am now learning to love myself, I am so grateful to have found Angela she has changed my life. Your energy is awesome. You are in the perfect Job Angela – Thank you.’

Michelle, ACT

‘Angela’s approach to overcoming my procrastination, fears and anxiety was life-changing. Having seen the results from myself, I only want to share. Firefly Academy will get you closer to your goals than ever before – Pure brilliance!’


Video Testimonials

1:1 Business Coaching Testimonials

‘Do yourself a favour – the coaching call I had with Angela helped me realise that I was giving too much of my power to others, leaving me feeling upset and exhausted. Thank you Angela, for teaching me tools to keep me feeling safe and confident.’

Melissa, WA

‘When I first met Angela I instantly knew that I needed her brand of unique energy to help keep me motivated and inspired. After 90 days Angela helped me double my income, get my blog started and published in online magazines, created strategies to reduce both my overwhelm and workload. And that was just the start.

Angela is a master at what she does, when it comes to mindset she changed everything for me. She over delivers and inspires you to step outside of your comfort zone getting results! – Don’t wait to work with her.’

Lucy, NSW

‘Firefly LifeCoaching has truly been amazing, supportive, insightful, and caring throughout my transition from my corporate career. I first contacted Ang when I was looking  to navigate a career change, balance family and regain lost confidence along the way. Ang guided me through this transition and gave me the tools I needed to look within, without and connect with the right opportunities. I can’t recommend Ang enough.’

Melanie, NSW

‘When I first stumbled across Angela Firefly, I had hit rock bottom. I felt emotionally empty and spent most nights lying awake wondering what. the meaning and purpose of my life was. After the first session with Angela, I cried tears of joy. I finally felt understood instead of judged – and Angela’s energy was infectious. She has helped me reclaim my identity and inner confidence!’

Rebecca, Texas

‘Angela helped me work through my PTSD, anxiety and lack of self-belief. She listened to me – and then customised strategies to help me leave a toxic relationship, create a new career path and step into a newly found confidence. I can’t recommend Angela highly enough.’

Sharon, NSW

‘Working with Angela is one of the best things I have ever done. There’s no ego, no judgement. Angela is a teacher full of integrity. She genuinely cares about your success and I love the crazy intensity she brings to all her coaching sessions!’


‘This program is a must for anyone wanting to learn how to be seen and feel inspired to create change with confidence, generate greater results in their career and finally feel comfortable being themselves.’

Annie, NSW

‘After years in the corporate industry, I was burnt-out mentally, emotionally exhausted at the end of every day and didn’t feel confident. Today, after working with Angela – I am a different woman. I now run my own business from home, have met my soulmate and feel amazing in my body and mind every day! Thanks for believing in me, Ang!’

Lauren, VIC

My Sleeve Full of Qualifications

What I Can Do For You

I empower women, just like you.

My clients feel, own, and celebrate their enough-ness and feel supported and encouraged. I’m 100% invested in your success, which is why I continue to learn and teach you the tools to take life’s bull by the horns and rock all aspects of your busy life.

Are you ready to bust some outdated beliefs?
Are you ready to break up with your inner critic and ditch the guilt?
Are you ready to shift into living a fulfilling, purposeful, successful life you love today?

“I want the best for you, and I know how to help you get it.”

If you are busting at the bit to learn the best tools to do all of the above, click the button.