As we are now well and truly into the new year it’s important to know how to not let comparison steal your joy and dreams

Comparison is a strange thing really. It is one of the first things I believe we master. From a young age we learn to compare ourselves to others. We compare the size of ice cream our mum’s serve us compared to our siblings. We compare how our school uniforms fit and our grades to those of our friends. All the way through life we compare ourselves to others. And normally we allow it to steal our joy and dreams right from underneath us. Comparison is the thief of dreams and joy.

Think of the last time you had a big bold dream and then you sat down and scrolled through Insta and felt that cold rush of comparison trickle through your veins. Did you continue to pursue your dreams or did you put them on ice because that little voice in your head said something like “who do you think you’re kidding there is NO WAY you can do it as well as them”. 

You’re not alone, remember we are very skilled at comparing ourselves to others. 

So what if we turned the tables. Instead of using comparison as a tool to stop us in the pursuit of our goals we took it as a sign. A sign that we too can achieve what we want. 

How to Not let Comparison Steal Your Joy and Dreams


Stop comparison from stealing your joy

1.Think back to the beginning of the year when you decided that this year you were going to (insert your goal or dream). Write that dream/goal down


2. Scroll through your socials ( yes we are going there ) and find three examples of others doing what it is you want to do. As proof that you too can achieve the same heights and results.


3. Now grab a pen and post it note and write this “I can be, do and have all I desire. I will make this (insert your dream or goal here) my reality.  Stick this affirmation on your bathroom mirror and everyday repeat this mantra out loud. 


Hey Sister, Do you ever have those days or weeks when everything feels like an uphill battle?


Your energy feels heavy or perhaps your to-do list feels like an impossible task that is leaving you spinning. I’ve got you!

Grab my free ” Creating Ease” mediation designed to help you clear your energy and relax your entire nervous system so that you feel calm, energised so that all the magic to deserve starts flowing to you.

Grab my FREE Creating Ease meditation to today and become part of the Firefly Tribe ;-)


Hey, I’m Ang! Leading DreamBuilder coach, Business success mentor, and International best-selling author of The Messy Mum’s Playbook.  My mission is to help women who feel stuck or frustrated get everything they want in life, love, and business in the fastest and easiest way possible