Open The Floodgates For MORE Sales without using icky outdated sales strategies that suck!!!

You’re ready to Start making sales like hotcakes + Becoming fully booked with confidence, certainty & ease

Now You Can!!

With the proven Awakened Sales Goddess intuitive sales program you will have soul-mate clients reaching out to you and selling your offers like hotcakes!!


Let’s be real here…

Tireless Social media posting chasing clients + Sleepless nights stressing about money is NOT why you started your business, right? – So let’s fix that!!!

Introducing The Awakened Sales Goddess

Your “SECRET” to making more sales & filling up your offers fast without feeling sleazy or using icky outdated strategies that suck!!

Remember when you started your business full of excitement and passion?

You had a vision of all the lives you would change, the freedom you were going to have and the money in your pocket to finally spend guilt free? and then…


You needed to learn sales [ insert sad frustrated face ]


You know that as long as you keep trying to use sales methods that suck you will stay on the stressful feast or famine cycle…your confidence will keep taking the hits, plus…


Your business will NEVER grow.

Because you haven’t found your unique aligned method of heart-centered sales.


Good news is I’ve totally got your back!!!


Together let’s unlock your unique method of making sales (a method that you love) so that…



You begin growing your business, filling your courses, enrol high tickets clients + sell your products like hot cakes easily without feeling sleazy or using outdated strategies that suck!


Become An Awakened Sales Goddess

This is perfect for you if you’re tired of the sleepless nights worrying about money + long hours chasing down clients

If you’re stuck in a spin cycle of second guessing yourself because most of the clients you have been attracting want discounts, want something added for free or worse don’t honour your time and boundaries

and instead….

You are ready for more dream clients, more money and more freedom in your business from a place that feels good, easy and fun!

Say YES to more dream clients, more money and more freedom in your business starting TODAY!

Picture this…

You’re sitting in your favourite coffee shop with your best friend smiling from ear to ear


You have mastered your unique sales method and now have consistent cash flow in your business


Your courses fill with ease


Your products sell like hotcakes plus


You have a steady stream of dream clients banging down the doors to work with you..


It all feels so easy, so natural and the best news is…

It’s all possible for you now!

Angela Bullock BSc

What’s inside The Awakened Sales Goddess

  • How to enrol High-Ticket clients WITHOUT sales calls (YEP never do one again if you don’t enjoy them!)
  • How to attract and call in paying clients from a place of confidence, ease, and flow
  • Enrol paying dream clients using my Magnetic sales script for selling in the DM’s or on sales calls (always know what to say feeling confident)
  • How to sell with soul in DM’s, social media content, emails & Instagram using my plug and play scripts
  • Know EXACTLY how to overcome money objections without feeling desperate
  • Clear away old money blocks and limiting beliefs – Embody your powerfully feminine energy of attraction + wealth
  • Step into your 6 figure CEO self who is confident, charges her worth, and never second-guesses herself
  • We leave no stone unturned in guiding you to achieve your goals with video + audio trainings, swipe files, journal prompts, meditations, energetic clearing exercises + manifestation tools
  • BONUS access to my complete 4-day Money Love challenge to help you change your relationship with money and receiving more (this ALONE is worth the price of this program)

Ready to skyrocket your sales so that you have MORE consistent cash flow and time with those you love? YESS!!!

Hear from fellow Awakened Sales Goddesses!

Crazy Fact!

You can make more sales today by watching cat videos, dancing to your favourite music …even taking a nap.

That’s because sales is more than strategy…it’s also a vibe of clarity, confidence and certainty

Selling is a soulful combination of practical strategies and spiritual manifesting, mindset and energetic practices.

That’s why so many amazing heart-centered entrepreneurs don’t see lasting results and increased sales – – Because you need real ALIGNMENT along with strategies to increase sales and get the results you really desire (and deserve)!

That’s what makes this program different from everything else because it includes BOTH!!!!

What You Need To Know

The Awakened Sales Goddess is not for everyone. It just isn’t. And I am 100% ok with that

  • If you don’t want tonnes of value that you can keep going back to again and again, then this is not for you- with this you have everything you need at your fingertips
  • If you love using old “bro” style sales methods this is not a good fit
  • If you don’t want to make more sales and start getting paid for being you – than sister this is not for you

I have made the ASG super affordable because I believe that EVERY woman deserves to have an overflow of clients in her business and money in her bank account

When a woman makes money she creates love, joy + impact and that includes you!

It’s your turn to attract more soulmate clients without the fears, second guessing or using icky strategies

.Here is what you need to know


There is nothing wrong with you and you don’t need to work around the clock to make more sales. It’s simply that you haven’t discovered your unique heart centred method of selling that you love.

Despite what you have been told or read you aren’t required to cold pitch in the DM’s, fill your calendar with free “discovery” sessions in the hope you can convince people to work with you.

You do not need to undercut your prices, follow up every lead with constant emails or messages, pose semi naked on Insta or hide your prices


There is a much easier more aligned way!


You can enrol dream soulmate clients, you can increase your sales and YOU CAN make more money than you ever thought possible without feeling like you’re selling your soul or integrity – Selling gets to feel easy, fun and natural.


.Let’s fast forward a little


I hated the hard selling techniques that all the coaches taught. The fear would rise up and I’d feel guilt, stress, shame, and embarrassment. – I’m sure you know what I mean.

Every coach I had worked with told me I had to cold call leads, slide into the DMs like a creepy stalker or open up my calendar to strangers and hopefully convince them to work with me. (FYI I hated that the most because the freedom I was wanting to create was taken away)

When that didn’t work I would drop my prices because maybe that was the problem. To be honest it was a shit show inside my head.

Then I had my line in the sand moment. I realised that I’d missed almost all of the summer holidays with my kids because I was either working feeling resentful about being underpaid, on another free discovery call with my fingers crossed that this would be the “one (so much pressure) or trapped behind my laptop waiting in hope that this wouldn’t be another “no show”.

I hated it all. I wanted to display my prices. I wanted to feel worthy. I wanted to charge what I knew my work and products was worth…

I wanted to change lives.


And then I figured it out. Thank goodness, if I hadn’t I think I would have given up on my dreams.


I started to realise that all along I had been giving my power away to sales strategies that didn’t align to me.

I had believed the voice of others over my own inner voice of intuition.

I had given way too much attention to my inner mean girl and her doubts and I had a heap of money blocks that needed some work.

Once I figured all of this out. I stopped doing all the stuff I hated. I implemented the spiritual energetic soul work, removed the money blocks and gave myself permission to sell the way I loved.


That’s when my results skyrocketed.


Selling became easy, I learned to trust my intuition and the money and clients started rolling in.

That’s why I’m so freaking excited because with one click you will have all the answers you have been looking for when it comes to reaching all your income goals without ever again using an icky strategy that sucks…


Are you ready to say Yes to more dream clients, more money and more freedom? YES!!


Still not sure if this is the right fit for you?

Well, let me ask …

Does selling make you feel gross or uncomfortable so you undercharge?

Do you ever worry that people will judge you or think less of you for selling – you wonder if you’re annoying them?


Instead of signing up your dream clients with confidence, you procrastinate and don’t put yourself out there?


You just want to know what to say to fill your courses and programs with ease!

I’ve got YOU!!

Are you feeling trapped in the self-sabotaging thought patterns that have you stuck in low energy, scarcity and fear like:

  • “Finding people to pay me for my work is hard”
  • “I am afraid I will be rejected” *sigh*

Or my inner mean girls favourite

  • “I’m not as good as the others- eeek”

You want to master your mindset and own unique heart-centred sales process. 

Are you done with the pushy, outdated masculine DO. PUSH. HUSTLE ways of selling that don’t work…

Not to mention tired of the dry spells and inconsistent sales?
It’s stressing you out, cluttering your mind and now you are starting to second guess yourself

You want to drop the struggle and embrace an easier way to step into greater abundance, ease, flow and freedom inside your business

Are you ready to break free of the invisible money blocks keeping you stuck and instead embody your 6 figure CEO energy where there is no worries, no concerns, no fears…
Just deep inner confidence, ease + certainty flowing through you in every single moment?
Do you want selling to feel easy and natural so you have more time for those you love?
life coach

With this program, you’ll get all the answers to…

  • Enrolling High-Ticket clients WITHOUT sales calls (YEP never do one again if you don’t enjoy them!)
  • EXACTLY what to to say to make sales in the DM’s on FB lives or written content having your potential clients “selling” themselves to you feeling safe, confident and unshakable
  • Easily embodying your unique natural sales method attracting clients you LOVE working with on repeat
  • Clearing the dense energy and abundance blocks that has you feeling overwhelmed and blocked become magnetic to all the opportunities and money you desire
  • Know how to easily stop your self-sabotaging patterns (no more feeling like you’re not good enough) instead confidently charging your worth without second-guessing yourself
  • Amplify your powerfully feminine energy and presence Be Seen, Heard and Making your desired Impact feeling confident in turning up as the real YOU

Today is the day to Awaken Your Inner Sales Goddess!

Join today for only $495

“The joy of learning is as indispensable in study as breathing is in running.” – Simone Weil
…so I’ve done some studying!

Commonly Asked Questions

  • How is the program released?Will I get it all at once? The content is released all at once and you will have lifetime access to everything to catch up, refresh, go back and master. The program was created for you to dive into when you feel stuck, need to further integrate or ready to make more transformational shifts inside your business

  • What level should I be at in my business? This program is perfect for any one at any level. If you are passionate about your business, know your good at what you do and would be excited to start making more sales this is perfect.
  • How do I access this program? Once you purchase this program you will be sent an email with a link to join a private members only Facebook group. All the modules, trainings and recourse are lovingly kept inside for you to have easy access to any were any time!
  • Is there direct access to you in the program? This is not a program where I am teaching live. The is a self-paced program. If you want to upgrade to be inside person to person mentoring send me a DM and I can let you know what options I currently have available.
  • Why is this program so inexpensive? I made myself a promise that when I discovered a simple aligned sales system I would teach others (that’s you) because when a woman makes money she changes lives. And that starts with you right here. However the price will increase


I am loving this program. This has caused me to have so many positive shifts in my business and peace in my mind. Thank you


I love how empowering this program is. I have just signed up a 1:1 client without a sales call! Yikes!


Angela’s energy is contagious! Not even 3 three weeks after using all the energy strategies I have had three new Reiki clients reach out to work with me out of the blue. This works!!!


Why Buy The Awakened Sales Goddess

You’re tired of all the outdated sales strategies and You’re ready to discover your unique most aligned method of increasing sales that feel easy, natural and fun …

Plus you’re ready to break-up with those self-sabotaging patterns and abundance blocks holding you back.

Just Imagine… within a week from now – your sales have grown, you have reclaimed “you” time and you didn’t ever use one single icky sales strategy that felt out of alignment with you.

STOP the waiting sister!!!

Get yourself inside The Awakened Sales Goddess and let’s celebrate you making more sales ( I’m already here celebrating you ;-) )