Looking to increase your productivity? Here are 4 tips for having the most productive day.

Picture this, your coffee is hot, you’re ready to go and then BAM. Your mind starts racing off like a purebred racehorse with all the things you have to do. Before you know it your mind is a jumble of thoughts and it is hard to figure out where to get started.

4 Tips For Having The Most Productive Day

  • Clear your workplace the night before: A cluttered workspace can be such a distraction, so be sure to tidy your workplace the night before so that you can start the day inspired and motivating. 
  • Brain dump your to-do list: The easiest place to get started is to get all the thoughts cluttering your mind out and then set your 3 top goals of the day that are must-dos, even if there are lots of other smaller goals you would like to get done. Then as you achieve each goal tick it off with a huge satisfied grin and bounce in your step
  • Chunk down and schedule time: Now you have your 3 top goals break each down into smaller tasks and create a schedule. Block out time for specific tasks and limit your other distractions like email and phone notifications.  It may also be useful to set a timer, so that when the alarm sounds you move on to the next task.
  • Set realistic expectations: Okay so now you’re ready to dive in and finally tick off some of your tasks. Keep in mind that most things take three times longer than you think.

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