Hold onto your lollie bags today because I have 4 unlikely spiritual practices all boss moms must start practicing that will help you feel more balanced and inspired. When you think of spiritual practices I bet you think of mediation, chanting to the moon naked or even tarot card readings. And I love these (not so hot on the naked dancing bit, but the rest, bring them on!).

Realistically, these aren’t always achievable. If you’re a mum running a business you are juggling a lot of different balls and your mental bandwidth is probably full. 

However if you practice these unlikely spiritual practices you will feel balanced, have greater energy whilst also creating mental space to think clearly. 

Let’s dive in girlfriend. 

4 Unlikely Spiritual Practices All Boss Mums Must Start Practicing


Spiritual Practices All Boss Mums Must Start Practicing

1. Nap time

Yes you just read right and if you’re like me you probably huffed at the idea. I mean napping is for when you’re sick – right?. But take it from me who only the other day had a nap in the mid morning of a workday – it worked. I was able to achieve so much on the other side. 

If you can’t just take yourself off for a nap because you work in an office, slip off to the loo during your lunch break, sit on the lid, rest back and close your eyes and nap. Might be an idea to put on an alarm *wink* !


2. Embrace the tea break

Back in the day tea breaks were a thing. It was a time of the day when everything stopped. You had a cuppa and perhaps a sneaky slice of cake and took time out. Now though most of us drink our coffee or tea whilst still plugging away at our laptops. 

Embrace the tea break. Set the time aside in your calendar and make it sacred. Drink from your favourite cup and just be in the moment. You and that sweet hot elixir. 


3. Bootie shake 

This next tip will help you create the motivation, inspired energy and creative juices you need to fulfill your day. 

Make movement your priority. The benefits of movement are well written on. Just ask Siri to look it up and she will rattle off it’s benefits. However movement also helps you tap into your intuition, your feel good hormones and your inner genius (she who easily comes up with solutions and workarounds) and who FYI normally gets muted when we are always hustling. 


.4. Hit pause

Now this is the hardest, especially if you are anything like most boss mums. Most of us are serial overachievers and perfectionists. 

I know that if I gave you a list of 4 things to get done you will do 5 – because you can (I see you). However hitting the pause button is like training a puppy to sit. This practice allows you to catch up with yourself and create space and ground your energy so you don’t feel as frazzled. 

How do you hit your internal pause button? Stop, take three deep belly breaths and begin noticing what’s happening around you in the moment. Then stop “doing” for a bit and take a break. I promise that everything will be waiting for you excluding the stress and anxious energy because that sister, will have vanished. 

Practices All Mums Must Start Practicing

Hey Sister, Do you ever have those days or weeks when everything feels like an uphill battle?


Your energy feels heavy or perhaps your to-do list feels like an impossible task that is leaving you spinning. I’ve got you!

Grab my free ” Creating Ease” mediation designed to help you clear your energy and relax your entire nervous system so that you feel calm, energised so that all the magic to deserve starts flowing to you.

Grab my FREE Creating Ease meditation to today and become part of the Firefly Tribe ;-)


Hey, I’m Ang! Leading DreamBuilder coach, Business success mentor, and International best-selling author of The Messy Mum’s Playbook.  My mission is to help women who feel stuck or frustrated get everything they want in life, love, and business in the fastest and easiest way possible