Life moves fast. It can feel like you’re chained to a treadmill set too fast, you’re constantly running and running from one thing to another only to get to the end of the day or stuck at a set of traffic lights to notice that you feel flat. 

A little demotivated mixed with a dash of feeling lost and a sprinkle of “I wish I felt better”. These are all normal human feelings that come with the hustle and bustle of life. However, there are 5 habits to feeling good about yourself that you can start today. 

5 Habits To Feeling Good About Yourself.

feeling good
  1. Love and Positivity:

I was going to say mindset but I could almost feel the eye roll through the screen. Yet it’s true a positive mindset helps you feel good about yourself. And what this actually means is loving yourself, thinking good things about yourself and accepting yourself for all you are, all you have been and who you are becoming.

Whilst you brush your teeth morning and evening spend that time connecting with yourself in the mirror, showing you and your body appreciation for getting you from point A to point B. Find something about you that you can shine love and appreciation on. It will feel weird at first. In fact, you may avoid this step. However, do this daily and your spirits and mood will lift.

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2:  Eat Healthily. 

Yes, you have heard it before and I’m going to say it again. When you eat healthily and drink plenty of water you feel lighter which naturally leads to you having lighter and more positive thoughts. When you eat healthily your body performs better, recovers quicker and gets stronger so that when times get tough you will have the capacity to navigate the challenge with more ease and resilience. 

3: Move more. 

We are all made up of energetic particles spinning around at a high speed. We are energy in motion and energy loves and requires to be expressed and moved. 

Moving helps your cognitive function so it’s easier to have a positive mindset, movement helps us process negativity and also keeps our physiology at its best. Plus a bonus is when we move we are rewarded with feel-good hormones. So why not write a list of the ways you love to move. Even call in a friend to join you and make this a daily habit. 


4: Sleep

We must prioritise our sleep. It must come first. In fact when you plan out your week and your goals. Start with deciding how much sleep is required to feel your best and perform at your best. Then reverse your daily tasks from there. I know it’s tempting to stay up late you catch that Netflix series you’ve been dying to binge. But babe sleep matters more and … that “show” will be there another day.

5: Joy and Fun

This is the best of the 5 habits to feeling good about yourself. Here is a fact about joy and fun. The more you have the better you feel. The better you feel the more confident you are. The more confident you are the more likely you are to achieve more of the things you desire. So get curious about yourself right now. What brings you joy? What activities are fun for you? Then once you have your list make doing one of these part of your daily habits to feeling good.

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