Money, money…money we all desire to have more of it in our lives yet many of us have weird thoughts about what it means to have it with ease, what it means to have too much. And then there is the whole book of beliefs we have around worthiness. 

But what if creating the energy of wealth, creating the energy of reviewing more and more money with ease was as simple and easy as asking for more air. 

You would have no problem asking for more air. Right? You probably would bite your finger nails wondering if you should dare dream or even ask for more air?!?

So I have a little exercise you can start doing today to help you step into creating the energy of wealth and money.

energy of wealth


Step one: Start with writing down the benefits of having air to breathe. 

Step two: Go back and for every place you have written the word air, change it for wealth or money. 

For example: I love having access to all the air I need 

I always have all I need and I only need to breathe to receive more 

In fact the more air I release and expel the more I can gain back and receive 

Breathing is so easy I don’t ever need to think about it or worrying about it. 

Now change it for wealth or money!! 

Change the energy right? 

Ok so let’s get a little deeper into shifting negative thoughts around money and empowering our minds with better, more wealth attracting thoughts. 

Step Three: Imagine your best friend tells you they feel terrible about wanting more air. What would you say to them? Write it out…

Gorgeous you never need to worry about asking for air it’s always here for you 

In fact you can keep breathing it all in until you can’t take in anymore and there will still be more for you.…..

Once you have all this down. Go back and change the word air to wealth or money.

creating energy of wealth


Now Read it out loud. Feel how good it feels, feel how all the angst and worry drips away.  In fact, read this new version out daily for the next 21 days and you will even see everything begin to shift and change and wealth will be your natural state

Hey Sister, Do you ever have those days or weeks when everything feels like an uphill battle?


Your energy feels heavy or perhaps your to-do list feels like an impossible task that is leaving you spinning. I’ve got you!

Grab my free ” Creating Ease” mediation designed to help you clear your energy and relax your entire nervous system so that you feel calm, energised so that all the magic to deserve starts flowing to you.

Grab my FREE Creating Ease meditation to today and become part of the Firefly Tribe ;-)


Hey, I’m Ang! Leading DreamBuilder coach, Business success mentor and International best selling author of The Messy Mum’s Playbook.  When I’m not at the gym, walking my dog or hanging out with my clients helping them activate greater wealth and success in both business and life you will find me over on Instagram. So come over say Hi in the DM’s and share your dreams and desires. Big Love – Ang x