Anxiety and having anxious thoughts is a normal part of life. We all experience it from time to time, whether it’s because we’re worried about an upcoming test or because our partner is late coming home from work. But for some people, anxiety can become a serious problem that affects their everyday lives. If you find yourself suffering from frequent and intense feelings of worry or fear, talk to your doctor about getting help. In the meantime, try these techniques for relieving anxiety:

How do I overcome anxious thoughts..

1. Create some distance between yourself and the thoughts.

Do something physical, like exercise or take a walk, to distract yourself from your anxious feelings.

Practice mindfulness techniques to focus on what you’re doing in the moment instead of worrying about things in the future or past. For example, try focusing on each breath as it comes in and goes out of your body, or count how many times someone around you blinks before shifting attention back to what you’re doing here and now (this can help put things into perspective).



2. Talk back to your anxious thoughts with a written list of the facts.

The second part of this exercise is to write down the facts. The first step is to decide what you’re feeling, thinking, doing and planning to do.

For example, if you’re worried that your boss will find out that you’ve been calling in sick when really it’s just anxiety making you ill (and not a cold or flu), write down “I was sick.” Then write down “I called out sick.” Then ask yourself: What does the information tell me? Write down “It tells me I’m not actually sick; I’m missing work because of my anxiety.” Next ask: If I were truly ill would that be okay? Write down “Yes—it would be okay for me to miss work due to illness.”

Finally ask yourself how this information might help with future decision-making as well as how it might affect relationships with others in your life.

overcome anxious thoughts

3. When you’re having anxious thoughts, ask yourself how realistic they are.

When you’re having anxious thoughts, ask yourself how realistic they are. Ask yourself if you’re thinking about the worst-case scenario and whether it’s really likely to happen. Ask yourself if you’re overreacting. Are there any other possible explanations? Have these thoughts popped up in the past and then been proven wrong?

>> Everyone has intrusive thoughts at some point in their lives. These thoughts can be about anything, but more often than not they’re about things that can’t happen or things that have happened to you in the past. They are an important part of our mental health, as they allow us to process and understand events in our lives.

However, sometimes these thoughts will cause us distress when we don’t want them to — especially if they’re negative or distressing. In this case, it’s important to know how to overcome anxious thoughts and feelings so you can get your life back on track!

My Miracle Month

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It’s time to put yourself first, amplify your inner strength and start achieving your dreams without guilt or worry.