How do you overcome procrastination? Picture this…everything you have to do reads longer than Santa’s “naughty or nice” list. And now instead of feeling motivated to get going, you feel stuck. Stuck in the dreaded procrastination loop.

These loops are dangerous, before you know it you have over-plucked your eyebrows, had too much caffeine and maybe even tucked into a couple of sweet biscuits.  So how do you overcome procrastination? 

Is there a trick, a magic potion…a ritual??  Yes, No and maybe. Let’s dive into some solutions below 

How do you overcome procrastination? 


If you struggle with procrastination you’re not alone! So before we dive into “action steps” be kind to yourself.  Despite what others may have told you (hi Dad) procrastinating doesn’t mean you’re lazy or any other mean story that you may have attached to procrastination. In fact, it’s a very normal human experience. You just need to learn how to shift gears and remove the resistance. 

Here we go…

Step One: Break down the task you are working on into even smaller tasks, this will make it more manageable and less overwhelming. Think of this like a map. I get to X by passing all these stops. 

Step Two: Look back over each task you have written down and ask yourself “what do I want to do?” Or “which looks the easiest?” This will remove the resistance because now your desire driven. 

Step Three: Pace yourself. Something I need to remind myself of is that most things take 3 times longer than I expect. So take it at a pace that doesn’t burn you out. 

Step Four: Reward yourself. I hate to say it but our minds are like puppies. They are reward driven. With this in mind tell yourself  “I will reward myself with X once I have completed XYZ”. Your rewards don’t have to be extravagant, just make sure you do reward yourself it matters for next time. 

If you struggle with procrastination or focus I have put together a FREE audio here that will help you refocus and re-energise

The Ultimate Success Bundle

If you find yourself constantly STRESSED OUT and OVERWHELMED, but never feel like you get enough done, you’ve GOT to get this 30-Day Success bundle!!

A complete bundle of planners, trackers and mindset audios to help you go from stressed and overwhelmed to clear and confident on your goals and how to make them happen FAST!!