So you’ve now found yourself in isolation stuck at home. Your hubby and kids are at home and cabin fever is starting to kick in. How to keep your relationship flame burning when you’re with each other 24/7?

It’s a challenge to not find you and your partner at each other’s throats when all of a sudden you’re thrown together living out of each other’s pockets. Always under each other’s feet.

Your normal routines have been thrown out the window, the kids seem to be doubly annoying and the stress is building.

If you are married you took the vow “for better or for worse” or some variation of that. If you’re not married but in a partnership, you still took those vows however not out loud, it’s assumed.

So how can you keep the flame burning in your relationship when you find yourself together 24/7 – here are some ideas.

How to keep your relationship flame burning


Separation time

Set a schedule for a time when you aren’t with each other. Maybe you have a spare room that you schedule alone time. Or one of you gets the home to yourself at a set time a day whilst the other takes in some nature time.

It’s important that you schedule this time. Otherwise, you know it won’t happen.

Candlelit date night

When my kids were young we couldn’t afford fancy dinners or baby sitters. So once a week I would make a special dinner.
Then once the kids were in bed we would light a candle and have our date night. We still showered and made an effort.

Cook a fancy meal, light a candle, put on fresh undies and lippy. Date night at home.

Book Swapping

Read a book of each other’s even if it doesn’t interest you and at the end of the week talk to each other about the books.

Yes, you will read books that you have zero interest in, but you will learn new things. And learning is growing.

Exchange podcasts.

Each find a podcast just like books. Find a podcast that you’re individually interested in. Once you’ve listened to your swap. Chat with each other about what you’re interested in.

Get your outdoor walk on.

Take a walk outside together and share your dreams and aspirations with each other. It’s ok to go for a walk outside in the fresh air. In fact, it’s great for your body, just don’t walk in big group. Just you and your loved one.

Remember no one’s dream is right or wrong.

Challenge each other

Start a new at-home fitness program together. Challenge each other and keep each other accountable.

Love languages

Learn each other’s love language and take time daily to express love to them in their love language.

relationship flame burning

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Hey, I’m Ang counselor, Therapist, Business mentor and international best selling author of The Messy Mum’s Playbook, mum and founder of the Firefly Academy and The Wealthy Woman Unlocked

Blessed to help mums move from chaos to calm to achieve their business, family and life goals… so they can start living with greater freedom, love and happiness.