Wake up feeling more Inspired, Energised and Aligned with these affirmations to start your day.
For such a long time I struggled to try and be perfect. The perfect mum, perfect wife, perfect housekeeper, perfect daughter…the list felt endless. This pressure I was put on myself made me feel miserable. Instead of being perfect (which doesn’t exist) I noticed that I became resentful more often, overwhelmed, confused and slowly more disconnected from my family.
Then I stumbled across the power of affirmations and how to use them to slowly change my self-talk, improve my self-esteem and feel more inspired, energised and aligned to my own personal power.
How affirmations work
Repeating affirmations out-loud in the mirror or listening to affirmations daily helps to reprogram any OLD limiting beliefs into new empowering beliefs, and it helps me to SHINE each and every day!
How to use affirmations to start your day feeling inspired, energised and aligned
Reading affirmations is only one part of the puzzle. To gain the best momentum and create new empowering beliefs we need to FEEL into our affirmations. We want every cell in our bodies to feel and experience our affirmations, they need to resonate with you. When we allow our bodies to melt into these feelings our lives start to transform, like magic all around us. Life becomes simpler and we are able to overcome challenges with greater ease and grace.
Hint: To create a feeling behind your affirmation use your imagination and visualise yourself as the woman living your affirmation, or use the power of your memory to take you back to a time when you felt like the affirmation you have chosen.
For example, when I used to look in the mirror I hated seeing the wrinkles on my face and this would lower my self-esteem and body image. Then I decided to change the story of my wrinkles being a sign I was getting older (and in my mind, less attractive) to an empowering story where my wrinkles tell of all the love and laughs I have experienced. I used my memories of love and laughs to create a feeling of confidence and joy. The result was I felt more empowered, had higher self-esteem and body confidence.

Wake up feeling inspired, energised and aligned with these Affirmations
Would you like to wake up every day feeling inspired, energised, and aligned to the energy of greatness and abundance? Say these affirmations, and create feelings behind these affirmations into the mirror every morning when you wake up and start your day with positive momentum and love.
Each day in every way I get healthier, stronger, and more energised
Nothing holds me back
Today I feel confident and clear-minded
I choose to eat foods that bless my body, mind and SOUL
As I get older, I become stronger, smarter, more attractive, and more productive
My wrinkles are a beautiful sign that I have loved and laughed
I forgive myself and set myself free
The more I move the better I feel
The more fun I have the more confident and successful I become
I am in the best body for me
I will. I can. Now watch me!
I am open to receiving guidance and inspiration
I allow myself to feel vibrant, healthy, abundant and safe, with all of my needs met.
I hope that as you say these affirmations to start the day you will see your life transform and wake up feeling inspired, energised and aligned. If you would love to see more inspiring affirmations to use as wallpapers head over to Pinterest – Ang
Would you love your own step-by-step guide to help you shift from chaos to calm within minutes?
Right now you can purchase the Messy Mum’s Playbook and get access to my “Shake Up Your Greatness” manifestation program FREE.
The Messy Mums Playbook is for the woman who wants real tools and strategies to take her from “stressed-the-hell-out” and “stretched-too-thin” to feeling calm, clear, confident and back in control of your own life.
It’s time to give yourself permission to live a happy, fulfilled life you LOVE.
Hey, I’m Ang counselor, Therapist, Business mentor and international best selling author of The Messy Mum’s Playbook, mum and founder of the Firefly Academy and The Wealthy Woman Unlocked
Blessed to help mums move from chaos to calm to achieve their business, family and life goals… so they can start living with greater freedom, love and happiness.
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