Kids are back to school (Yaya)! And how great is it not feel like the meat in the sandwich to those angels who have spent the last few weeks at each other’s throats? But if you’re a busy woman ( and I mean come on aren’t we all pulled in more directions than a g-string on a hot day?) You may now feel depleted, low on energy, tired and harried. I’ve gotcha girl!  I’ve put together the best way I know how to find that unique balance of self-care and getting stuff done, here is your Busy Woman’s Back To School Guide.

Busy Woman’s Back to School Guide

Back To School

Create Some YOU time in the morning

Before you scoff at me because you’re ”too busy”, hear me out. Carve out at least 30 minutes a morning just for You. Set your alarm to go off 30 minutes earlier than normal so that you are up before the kiddos and before you need to start getting ready. 

Take this time to journal, meditate, luxuriate over your first coffee instead of downing it at breakneck speed or even read some of that book that’s spent the last few weeks on your bedside table calling to be read. 

Make this 30 minutes the time that you do things just for You –  Not the folding, ironing, mopping or catching up on emails. Use this 30 minutes to purely fill your own self-need/care cup.


I realise this sounds boring, but we both know how bloody unreal it feels when you are “on your game” straight out the gates of a morning. So get your angels to help you put their lunches together the night before school all packed away in their lunchboxes and popped in the fridge to be put int heir bags just before you leave the house. 

Meal Plan

Yep, I said it, you’re mum was on to something when she only went to the grocery store once a week. If you added up the amount of time a week you spend in the grocery store, I reckon your hair would curl. 

I know the weeks that I don’t plan out my meals for the week I spend more money, feel more stressed and don’t eat as healthy – damn those Mars Bars begging to be eaten next to the register!

Plan the diners, lunches and snacks out for the week, write out your ninja shopping list and ONLY do one shop! 

My ninja tip is I write out each day of the week and beside it write what each dinner will be – then I stick it on the fridge. Kiddos know what they are having AND I don’t’ need to think ;-)

Get Sleep 

I understand the need to wind down once you have out the lids to bed. However instead of staying up to catch up on what happened on #marriedatfirstsight go to bed. When we busy women are tired we tend to feel so much more overwhelmed by life. Not to mention cranky – Get at least 7-8 sleep.


Now the kids are back at school pursuing their dreams it’s time for you to pursue yours. Take time to dream big, daily activate The Law Of Attraction and write down some big hairy goals that light up your heart. 

These next few weeks are the time to put down the groundwork to creating your dreams and begin Dreambuilding. Before we know it those cherubs will be back to negotiating iPad time. What would you love to achieve over the next 90 days? Hit the reset button and make it happen

FYI – The energy this creates is mindblowing – So now it’s your turn and let me know how it goes – Ang xx

Hey Sister, Do you ever have those days or weeks when everything feels like an uphill battle?


Your energy feels heavy or perhaps your to-do list feels like an impossible task that is leaving you spinning. I’ve got you!

Grab my free ” Creating Ease” mediation designed to help you clear your energy and relax your entire nervous system so that you feel calm, energised so that all the magic to deserve starts flowing to you.

Grab my FREE Creating Ease meditation to today and become part of the Firefly Tribe ;-)


Hey, I’m Ang! Leading DreamBuilder coach, Business success mentor, and International best-selling author of The Messy Mum’s Playbook.  My mission is to help women who feel stuck or frustrated get everything they want in life, love, and business in the fastest and easiest way possible