Are you like me, sitting on the lounge a little tired from a big holiday week (so much food and constant cleaning up) mindlessly scrolling through social media in the hope that some magical post will help you because you are struggling with goal setting – it feels like a chore right?. Use this one-word method to make this year…Magical.

Welcome to the “hot mess” ship. Climb aboard, grab a cuppa sister and let’s use the one-word method to manifesting and creating your goals.

Let’s find that one word that lights up your heart and feels as though it gives you the wings and motivation you need to make your New Years goals and dreams a reality.

Finding Your One-Word

goal setting

?  Close your eyes and imagine having lived your easiest and best January…What kind of woman were you?

Driven, compassionate, focused…?

?  Now think of February and you are in the best shape of your life. Work-life lights you up…You are loving yourself, everything is unfolding with ease…You are totally crushing your to-dos and making strides towards your goals.

?  Now jump to July and beyond …everything you want to feel and experience is happening almost like magic…it’s easy and you, sister, are killing it.

How are you turning up every day? Are you confident, unshakeable…unstoppable? What is the one word that totally embodies the energy of the woman (you) who is achieving her goals with effortless grace?

Last year my one word was contagious. I wanted my message – that all women deserve to make their dreams a reality and that no matter what the dream, they could make it happen – to be contagious.

Like a rash, but in the best possible way, I chose to be contagious.

And whilst I still love and live that word…this year I am choosing the word Magic.

I invite Magic into my everyday.

Magic in my relationships.

Magic in my work.

Magic in my body and transformation.

Magic in watching my kids rise more and more into who they are.

I wish for Magic to spread worldwide and touch hearts.

So what’s your one-word? What is your one word that Shakes Up Your Greatness, invokes energy within you, inspires and motivates you to take the steps to make this year your best?

You may have a few, that’s awesome. Write them all down and then close your eyes.
When you open your eyes which word jumps out first.? That, girlfriend, is your one word for the New Year ahead.

Your Next Step

Write it everywhere, make a funky screensaver, put it on your vision board …tattoo it on your forehead. Put it everywhere and say it out loud and proud daily!

You are stepping into your power and releasing your inner magic when you say your word like a prayer to the Universe and incantation and invocation. So let’s make magic.

Hey Sister, Do you ever have those days or weeks when everything feels like an uphill battle?


Your energy feels heavy or perhaps your to-do list feels like an impossible task that is leaving you spinning. I’ve got you!

Grab my free ” Creating Ease” mediation designed to help you clear your energy and relax your entire nervous system so that you feel calm, energised so that all the magic to deserve starts flowing to you.

Grab my FREE Creating Ease meditation to today and become part of the Firefly Tribe ;-)


Hey, I’m Ang! Leading DreamBuilder coach, Business success mentor, and International best-selling author of The Messy Mum’s Playbook.  My mission is to help women who feel stuck or frustrated get everything they want in life, love, and business in the fastest and easiest way possible